Sunday, January 04, 2009

Over & Out

While I've had a ton of fun writing this here blog-type thing (well, when I actually was writing it anyways), it's time to say adios muchachos to SBDA!.

I just can't find the creative energies to come up with the smorgasbord of hilarity and retardation that has become the standard that you're used to seeing here. I guess that I finally have an effective outlet for whatever energy, and more importantly frustration, that fueled the overly-combustible engine of SBDA!. So while I still spend my fair share of time on the Interwebs reading everyone else's blogs, I just don't have the drive to contribute my $0.0167 anymore.

So thanks for sticking with me (if anyone did for the ridiculously long hiatus), and feel free to check me out on the Book of Faces. I do still do that one compulsively.