Tuesday, May 10, 2005

I got nothing.

As I sit here pulling a George Costanza (looking and acting irritated to make others think you're busy), I'm really trying to come up with something to write about.
  • The fact that I'm still somewhat sick and can't get rid of whatever ebola/malaria/bird flu is contaminating my system? Nah, noone cares.
  • The fact that I have to try and find someone to watch my dog when I go out of town to see the girlfriend, and that I have become totally dependent on too many people who aren't here? Swing and a miss. Strike two!
  • My good find of an older Justice League of America: Secret Origins #32 (Post Crisis revision) that was coupled with a Son of Ambush Bug #2 and a Steel comic at Wal-Mart the other day? Nope, wrong blog.
  • Browsing around on other peoples' blogs, you can find a whole bunch of interesting, disturbing and worthwhile crap. Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner!!

Let's see what on the ol' Information Super-Highway, shall we?

1. Apparently, apartment complexes feel the need to blog. Kenthill Townhomes? Yep, them too. And we all need to be informed about "A lot of moss in some places." ? I for one intend to monitor the situation and keep you updated on where that damned moss spreads.

2. How come some of the most interesting-looking blogs out there are the ones I can't read? I mean, seriously, there's a lot of cool foreign blogs out there right now and I can't make out a bit of it. At least I could count the numbers on this one.

3. Been a victim of Identity theft? Here ya go. Poor schmo must have been taken pretty bad. But, he claims to be a lawyer, so he could be the thief.

4. The best "About Me" that I've seen so far on about 537 blogs.

5. Interesting Blog Names: Jewish Whistleblower 2 - with Comments (hmmm, ok.), Pathos, Hubris & Wild Turkey (nice.), Unraveling a twisted thread (well done.)

6. Some of the best subject names came from this one.

7. Shit to get people fired up about something: here, here and this one just kind of made me nauseas.

8. Blog I was going to screw with in the Comments section because Casey goes to the University of Delaware. That's before I saw the Profile photo.

9. Ooookaaay. Maybe their mom's wouldn't drive them to the Convention until they cleaned their room.

10. Damn it! This one had a subject of "Kung Fu" and talked about something called " Old School Killaz". Sounds cool, but it figures that I can't read it.

11. This one is just a dream log. Weird shit, man. Weird shit.

12. The musings of a NY Nightclub bouncer.

13. Hell, I even found Spiderman's own personal blog!!

That's all I have for now, but I'll be sure to put more on here if I can find anything. But if you haven't taken the time to just click on "Next Blog" in the upper right hand corner, do it. You may find a new blog that you take to. Just give it a shot. You know me, I'm all about helping out others. Or some crap like that.


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