Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Resistance is Futile.

I work in an office that's predominately women. Let me specify that: I work in an office that's predominately older women. So I am accustomed to hearing about the same rambling-ons that all older women talk about: grandchildren, children, pets (that's cool, I do too), gardening, facing impending death, etc... But there is a new scourge in the office:

The Red Hat Society. (Jesus, they have a website. I will spare you the linking.)

You know who I'm talking about. You've seen them. Hanging out at the mall or restaurants flashing their colors (red and purple) and signs. They look all nice and grandmotherly, but they're not. This vicious group of hags will throw down at the drop of a (red) hat. I'm not joking, kids. Mess with one and you will get the full fury of their loaded-down, over-sized pocketbooks. Not to mention suffer the humiliation of having your ass handed to you by a group of geriatric gangstas.

Aside from the fact that they are not as cute and cuddly as the look, their reach and influence is far and wide. They really are the fastest growing cult I have ever seen. Bigger, faster, and stronger than Pokemon, friendship bracelets and turning 80's TV shows into crappy movies all combined. This one may not end soon either. These motivated grandmas have the disposable income to keep it going. Magazines, conventions, discounts at national retailers/restaurants are all available to them. They're like the over-50 Borg. Or the Dark Side. Or Republicans.

But I think their website sums up this Red and Purple Menace:
"We always said the Red Hat Society would take over the world,
but it's always fun to have our grandiose claims acknowledged by the
powers that be."

Crap. Now they have the PTB involved. Those fuckers were always trying to screw with Angel.

So now I have to constantly deal with seeing and hearing all about Red Hat stuff. Why can't I just go back to hearing about grandchildren and impending death?


1 comment:

Scott Garner said...

My mom is HEAVY into that cult.