Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Change Is Inevitable, Except From A Vending Machine

"All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another." - Anatole France.

Ok, it's not that serious. You may have noticed a new addition to the blog. Or probably not. It's over there on the right. Your other right. Down. A little more. There.

Welcome to the "Geek Zone". Well that's the working name until I can think of a better one. Basically, I'm assimilating my other blog into this one. Slowly. Painfully slowly. Like a "special" kid learning quantum physics kind of slow. And I started with what I thought was going to be a simple cut and paste "operation". But I had a bleeder on my hands. I mean I nicked an artery, cut open the intestine and left the scalpel in there after sowing it up. Turns out, not so simple. All is said and done now and the patient is in recovery, but still not exactly the way I would like. But good enough for some out-patient therapy.

Next, I'll be adding the choicest of blog additions from the Longbox over here, and I may place them in the archives or something. It'll be like hunting Easter eggs! Badly written and totally up nobody's alley Easter eggs, but eggs none the less damnit!

Soooooooooo. I got that goin' for me.



D said...

I do what I can :-)


D said...

Alison- No problemo.