Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Decisions, decisions.

So I don't know what to do.

I'm pretty sure that I suck at blogging. I'm inconsistent at best. I try a little too hard on some of my jokes or just force them out completely. My content is mostly filler with little of the wit and insight that I am used to having. And I can never seem to find an appropriate picture to put on here in my columns now that it's easier than ever to do so.

And I have a second blog that gets treated even worse than this one. So I suck twice as bad.

So. I'm contemplating giving it up for now. Or scrapping the whole thing and starting over. Or just combining the both of them and putting any freaking random thing that I want to on the blog, regardless of whether people like it. I dunno.

Maybe in the morning I'll have come to a decision. For now, the blogs are in a holding pattern.



michelle said...

Try to remember why you wanted to start blogging in the first place. I can relate to what you think of your own blog as I feel that same way about mine. Yours is amusing and I enjoy reading it.

Scott Garner said...

I happy to offer up some ideas of my own if you want to stick around. I did start my blog over once and considered the first one to be kind of a "dry run." Sort out what you want to do with the blog, how much time you want to put into it and what you want it to give back to you, then go for it. It's a pretty free-form piece writing platform otherwise. And hell, mine is just "practice" for more serious writing.