Tuesday, June 21, 2005

"Oscar, why are you so grouchy?" "Because I live in a fucking trash can, bitch!"

Today's show is brought to you by the letters H, N, S and F.
"H" is for "hungover".
"N" is for "never should have stayed at the bar and drank as much as I did".
"S" is for "still kind of drunk and I'm sure everyone at work can tell".
"F" is for "fuck! I am really old!"

I am such a whore for free booze. And everyone knows it too. Dangle that free Jesus Juice in front of me and I'll do just about anything. And after imbibing, I'll probably do whatever it was that I wouldn't do before. They don't call me Liquid Courage for nothing.

So I'm gonna go back to work now. Or try to, at least. It's really gonna be me doing my best "zombie trying to fit in at the office" impression. Me with my glazed over eyes; slack jaw; hunting and pecking at the keyboard; shuffling down the hall moaning; and mumbling something about brains, I mean food.


1 comment:

michelle said...

LOL...awww sorry you are feeling so low...ummm no I am not, it serves you right for drinking too much....been there did that for too many years....Rack it up to experience and hopefully you had fun