Tuesday, June 28, 2005

"Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb."

Jut thought I'd try to throw a little content on here for you guys and girls.

So I finally made it to see Batman Begins this weekend. Wow. That's mostly what I can muster at this point as a description. Wow. It really was pulling mostly from Batman: Year One, and that's what it should have been. A re-telling of the Batman origin and what shaped him to be that way. Not just the standard:
1. Parents died
2. Inherited everything
3. Decided to fight the injustices of Gotham
4. Got rubber nipples

They really got it right this time.

I, of course, did find a few things to nit-pick about. And as a geek, I think that is my right; since non-geeks won't notice that shit. But those really were few and far between.

Hell, even Michael Caine won me over as Alfred. I mean, I was really still holding onto Michael Gough still being Alfred (and he always will be in my mind), but Caine really made the role his own.

I even got used to Christian Bale growling his lines whenever he put the cowl on. But what are you gonna do about that? Batman has to have 2 distinctly different voices (Batman & Bruce Wayne for noobs), otherwise, it'd be just taking a pair of glasses off and expecting noone to recognize you in a different outfit. Ever. Although to me, Kevin Conroy will always be the voice of the Batman. (Check out the trivia in Conroy's link)

Katie Holmes. Katie, Katie, Katie. I think I could have gotten a better performance from a cardboard cutout. And for Christ's sake, she ended up in the Bat-cave too! I was just hoping that was an isolated incident with Vicky Vale in Batman, but noooooooo. Apparently Bruce needs a sign outside the waterfall that says "WARNING! If you can get over this gorge and through the waterfall, or if Alfred lets you in through Wayne Manor, you can access the Bat-cave." Secret headquarters my ass.

Sorry. But if you have a few bucks to spare (depending on regional prices), I highly endorse this product/service/food chain/amusement park.

Free sneak preview of a potential column!!!!

One of the trailers (why are they called trailers when they come before the movie?) was for The Dukes of Hazzard. Am I the only one who's aggravated by this one?

More than likely.



Scott Garner said...

Re: Dukes of Hazzard...

Don't you read my blog, biatch!?!

michelle said...

I have been waiting for someone to say what they thought of Batman, now I will think about going this weekend...but which one should I choose, Mr and Mrs Smith with hot Brad or Batman begins with brooding Christian...decisions decisions

D said...

Scott- Yeah I read it. Actually, I don't know what the hell I was thinking when I wrote that. Guess I was just all worked up. I'll have to go back and read your insights again as to not say the same thing...all though those may be the same things I was thinking b/c I got them from you. Damn.