Tuesday, July 12, 2005

My actions are not vengeance. No, not vengeance. Punishment.

You should have to have a license to own a pet. Period. And the fee to obtain that license should be a hefty one at that. Period period.

I just spent about 10-12 minutes helping my new neighbor's puppy (a white German Shepherd to boot, so you know I love her already) get re-hydrated and cooled down. He apparently leaves her outside (I have no idea for how long, it could just be for not too long) on a line that's staked in the ground. She does have a dog house with a small bowl for food and water. And that's about it.

It's fucking 90-something degrees and 1000% humidity and she has her line all caught up and wrapped up in some tennis shoes that he may or may not have left out there for her to "play" with. She's so caught up that she can't even get back into her dog house. Which has no more water in it by the way. So as I stand there sweating buckets (and I'm not wearing a fur coat) trying to untangle it, I decide I need scissors. So I go get them, come back, cut the laces and untangle her. I also go get more cold water from the fridge to give her. As I pet her and start to leave she runs after me until her line catches her and she can't go farther. I tell her to go back in her doghouse and that I'd see her later. Then I go back and give Brody a huge hug, some more cold water and make sure that everything is set up for him INSIDE MY APARTMENT before I leave.

I always feel like I'm being the worst parent (yes I'm one of those people) by leaving him inside with the temp around 80 and for about 4-5 hours at a time. But I leave both sets of blinds up, the radio on, plenty of water and some stuff on the floor for him to play with/chew up. I actually feel worse when I see something like what happened to poor, little Kennedy (soooo cute) because I have to leave Brody again instead of staying home to play with him.

Sorry, back to my initial statement. You should have to pay a substantial fee (that would show you are financially stable enough to support said pet) AND pass a written and oral exam as well. With possible home inspections to follow.

I thought about joining the SPCA or becoming an Animal Cop like on Animal Planet, but I'd really end up being The Punisher or The Spectre ( the wrath of God, for the short version) of Animal Police: dishing out the deserved punishment to those who were cruel to animals. It would NOT be pretty.

OK. I'm done for now. I may get all fired up again about it later and add something, but that's that for now.


1 comment:

michelle said...

If it was me I would have phoned the pound on that bastard that left his puppy outside for so long. My neighbours had two rottie's that had similar situations a couple years ago, I phoned the SPCA and the pound and got the dogs taken away temporarily. They got them back and it wasn't until one of them was killed in those outdoor conditions that my other neighbour stepped in and stole the dog. Luckily for her she was the asshole's cousin and the family told him he had to give up the dog. Chaos is now a beautiful healthy dog who doesn't show any scars of his past life, which is great cause my dog Daisy lovessss him. Don't be afraid to call the dog police on that creep cause he don't deserve to own a pet if he treats it that way. You have a conscience when it comes to your pet so you don't have to feel bad cause you would never put your dog in a bad state.