Friday, December 15, 2006

Hiatus Schmiatus

Ah, it’s that time of year again. The leaves have turned color, birds have migrated, girls have put away their skirts and short shorts (for the most part), and my shows are going on hiatus leaving me with tons of unanswered questions like:

-Who are the other 5 cylons?
-Is Peter Petrelli really the bomb to blow up New York?
-What in the hell happened to the U.S. outside the town of Jericho?
-How will Jordan respond to Danny’s love bombshell?
-Will Kate, Sawyer and Jack escape the Others?
-Do I really even care about Lost anymore?
-How bad is Smallville’s incarnation of the Justice League gonna suck?
-How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?

I must know!!!

But instead of answers; I get re-runs, mid-season fill-in shows, mini-series (mini-serieses? mini-serii?) and a whole bunch of other filler that will help keep my life as meaningless and trivial as usual:

-Bowl games
-college basketball
-the possibility of good mid-season replacement shows
-the inevitable “mini-series events” that’ll crop up
-scores of bad television movies (I’m looking at you, SciFi Channel)
-a handful of Georgia Southern home basketball games
-my chili cooking
-a few “accidental” drunks on the couch
-a new video game or 2

I guess to say that I won’t be spending just as much time stretched out on the couch with my first 2 loves (that’d be the TV and beer) would probably just be an outright lie and we all know it. So, instead I’ll just say that I’ll probably be on the couch just as much; but slightly bitter, less enamored and possibly drunker.

It’s somewhat a hollow victory, I know.


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