Monday, August 22, 2005

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility. Or Just More Hassle.

I think this pic says it all. Not that I'm not busy enough here in the office, now I'm finishing up my travel/work schedule for the Fall. And I have exactly 1 full week in the office until just before Thanksgiving. 1. One. Uno. Ein. Un. Fucking one. So that's about 9 or 10 full weeks on the road. There are 4 weekends ruined by having to leave or work on a Saturday or Sunday. I am seriously thinking about quitting here and now without having another job lined up. But I just can't do it right now. But I sooooo want to. This is freaking me out. And do I get any compensation for this? No. Mostly because the school didn't have any foresight.

AND, I found out the other day that I know someone who may be a direct competitor for the other job I so desperately want. Fucking awesome.

I remember watching Spiderman 2 in the theaters. And I remember sitting there thinking to myself "Jesus. He is just constantly being shit on." And that's about how I feel. Getting all the shit and none of the cool spider-powers.

Sorry to bitch, but I just had to get that out. Nowadays, this is about all I can think about and it's just eating me alive from the inside.

Hope all is well with you guys. I'll post something whitty/funny/insightful/cheery when (and if) I can.



D said...

Nah, I'm just a run of the mill, comic book-type geek.


michelle said...

Better to vent about job hatred than to go in one morning and shoot up the office.

kristen said...

i just saw falling down and i believe it is the epitome of what happens when someone goes too long holding everything in.

life can be pretty sucky sometimes. brighter days are ahead? i like to hope so.