Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Continuity is key, folks.

Alright, maybe it's just me and my ever-growing condition of OCD, but I really do get a bit annoyed when things have no or are taken out of their original continuity. Not that I prefer everything to be all linear and the like. On the contrary, I like to be able to go apeshit, not follow directions and do whatever I please in some situations. But not when it comes to TV! I am a firm believer in airing TV shows in the correct order: the order they were written. Hey, who better to figure what order they should be shown than the people writing it? Otherwise, small things don't line up and potentially someone may be left out of the loop on certain situations or jokes.
Case in point, I was watching one of my new favorite shows (or favorite new shows), Committed last night. I've been noticing quite a few episodes have been aired out of continuity, and for someone who very much identifies heavily with Nate (the handsome lead of course), this aggrivates the hell out of me. Luckily it hasn't taken 1 single thing away from the show for me (as I still relate to Nate and am searching for my Marni), but is further re-inforcing the fact that I must buy the series on DVD when it comes out. Then, all things will be right with the world; unless I'm already freaking out about something else. And chances are extremely good that'll be the case.


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