Tuesday, March 01, 2005

You Down with OCD? Yeah, You Know Me!

So... basically this damned blog is my new "obsession" for the day. It's like that part in Pump Up the Volume where Mark is calling Mr. Deaver and knows he's gonna get caught, but he just can't help himself.
Every time I try to pull myself away and do something work-related or productive (God forbid I actually do something while I'm here), I think of something else that I could add into the blog.

- Now I love the Internet, don't get me wrong. It's a wonderful place to get any and all information you could ever need and to commune with likeminded individuals. HOWEVER, I hate the fact that when I try to register a name or username, I will inevitably have to go through 37 different things before I'm allowed to get one I want. I mean, how can there actually be someone out there who is thinking the exact same thing that I am but only 10 seconds or so ahead of me. And am I doing that to someone else too? I mean let's say I wanted register "bloodfart" (not that I tried), and I have to roll with one like "bloodfart09". Who in the Hell else is trying to register that? Come to think of it, I wanna meet bloodfarts 1 through 8. We might just have a good bit in common. Like I said: "likeminded individuals". Think about it kids.

- If you look to the right side of the boat you'll notice my "Links" section. It's just a short collection of sites I tend to frequent while "working". ***Update: I have actually moved a good deal of these links to my other blog. They just fit better there.***If you have any that you want me to add, I'll be more than happy to do so if you let me know. After I check it out of course. I can't blind link anymore, not after that whole Jennifer Love Hewitt fiasco (I'm pretty sure that JLH never really was in that Mexican donkey porn). But I digress.

- I notice that some of my friends are doing a whole "100 things about me that you might or might not know". That sounds like just the thing that I need to (not) do. It's so friggin' tempting. And who the Hell am I kidding? You all know well and good that I'm going to do it. It's just a matter of time. Kind of like Kenny getting killed, it just a matter of waiting it out until it happens.

- Sometimes my brain works in weird connective ways. I think of one thing, then that leads to another, and so on and so forth. It's a chain. Kind of like the one in your toilet: it just goes farther into the toilet with every link. Anyways, what I was getting to was that I don't think Mitch Hedberg gets enough credit or exposure as he should. Man's a genius. Period. Is that redundant? To put a "." after writing the word "period"? If you didn't get how I got to Mitch Hedberg in my though process, here it is: Kenny - South Park - Comedy Central - stand up comedy - Mitch Hederg - my rant about redundant punctuation.


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