Tuesday, March 08, 2005

That's why Evil will always win, because Good is dumb!

Main Entry: chiv·al·ry
Pronunciation: 'shi-v&l-rE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -ries
Etymology: Middle English chivalrie, from Middle French chevalerie, from chevalier knight
1 : mounted men-at-arms
2 archaic a : martial valor b : knightly skill
3 : gallant or distinguished gentlemen
4 : the system, spirit, or customs of medieval knighthood
5 : the qualities of the ideal knight : chivalrous conduct

It's not dead.
In fact, I have the sore lower back to prove it. That would be from slinging a young woman over my shoulder in a knight in shining armor/good samaritan-type way. Not that she was heavy or anything, that's just from me being that hammered and not doing my pre-Viking Raid stretches.
Anyways, I wanted to ensure the safety of a young lady (the roommate of the hottie I am seeing), who was going to walk home from a downtown bar late at night BY HERSELF. Now, I'm sorry. I'm a Southern boy. I'll never be able to fight the urge to try and protect a lady, and I felt overly compelled to make sure she got home in one safe piece.
I know you're probably still wondering about the whole "me slinging her over my shoulder" thing. It was merely an attempt to show her that I was not going to let her walk home alone, and that if need be, I would carry her all the way back. Thank God she came to her senses, 'cause I think I felt 2 or 3 discs shoot out of my back. Once again, not because she was heavy or anything, but because I seem to think that I gain some added strength or something when I drink. And that night I probably could have given The Thing a run for his money.
So anyways, we got back safe and in 1 piece. And had a nice little conversation when we got there to boot.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that chivalry is NOT dead, and in fact it feels much like a sore lower back.


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