Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Hmmm...Where to start?

Well, let's see now. My first "blog." Probably should start off by saying something completely witty and memorable, but from looking at the title of this blog, I think you'll realize very quickly that ain't gonna happen. Maybe I should start off by telling you what you can expect to see here and about how often you can expect to see it:
What You Can Expect To See Here:
1. Pretty much whatever happens to wander through my brain that I can retain long enough to post for you fine-looking internet dwellers.
A. Observances about my personal life (as convoluted and frustrating as it may be)
B. Observances about work (or co-workers)
C. Observances about anything else that doesn't fit in either "life" or "work"
D. Obervances about how I have a penchant for strange words like "obervances" or "penchant"

How Often You Can Expect To See It:
About as often as I can. It may be every ten minutes (seriously, I think about a lot of random crap) or it may be once a week. I dunno. Seeing as how I'm gonna be doing this in a place and at a time when I am most assuredly not supposed to be doing this (read as "work"), it will be when I can get to it.

There you have it. Don't expect Shakespeare or even Garner, but you'll most definitely get "me".



Jake said...

All blogs need pictures. I happen to have some that I could provide... for a price.

Jake said...
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