Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Quicker Than A Hiccup

Alright. Anyone who knows me knows that I am a "closet geek", meaning that I don't look the part but I am a fully-functioning geek on the inside. At any given chance (and I relish those opportunities), I can bust out with a barrage of information pertaining to comic books, cartoons, science fiction, pop culture, etc... So, in order to keep from filling this blog with that sort of rubbish, I have orchestrated the creation of another blog that is dedicated to the indulgence of my inner geek. Ladies and germs, boys and ghouls, I give you: The Longbox. Impressive, no? No? I know, I'm still working on it.

Oh, and when I figure out how to post pics/images on here, I'll be loading this bad boy up. One thing at a time, ladies. One thing at a time.


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