Monday, March 21, 2005

I am the Master of my Domain

Damn it.
Don't you hate it when you have the perfect thing to say or you make a joke/reference and noone that would appreciate it is around? That happens to me all the time now, esp. at work. I used to work with one of my best friends, so it was a constant for us to be making those references and a given that we would each catch them. Now it only rarely happens with another co-worker.

But worse than not being able to make a reference/joke at all is making one and having nobody get it at all.Which is just a wasted joke, and is usually nowhere near as funny when you try to redeliver it again or retell the story.

Such is the curse to have to work in an uptight environment and be the only pop culture-endowed person in the building. Not that they don't watch movies or TV or anything, I just mean who's gonna get my quip about "Galactus hungers" when my stomach rumbles, laugh when I say "The God damn Germans got nuthin' to do with it!" after someone says the word "germane", or get into an argument about "who would win in a fight between an astronaut and a caveman?" (Caveman)

I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you do have one of those friends who knows you all too well (a #4 or higher), then make sure you take advantage of all the opportunities you have to involve yourself in conversations about how Rebels were mass murderers for blowing up the Deathstar again with all those independent contracters in it ('cause hey, all the Stormtroopers know is killing and white uniforms).


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