Friday, September 28, 2007


Ok, so I just bitched about Moonlight. But I feel compelled to counter that with some high praise for another show.

Dr. Who. It's... it's... it's awesome.

That show just seems to get better and better every single episode. Once again, I was literally on the edge of the couch for the last few minutes and the preview of next week's season finale.

Jesus Christ on a palomino, that's good TV. I just wish that the DVD sets weren't so freakin' expensive.


1 comment:

The Icon said...

Dude, I'm not kidding when I say that the season 3 finale is incredible. Not only does it have real consequences for all the main characters but it wraps up a plot point that you didn't even know was dangling from all the way back to the second episode of season 2. Good, good stuff.