Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Liquid Courage meets Major Victory

Chris will be doing a comprehensive review of Dragon*Con, so be sure to check over at The Nerduary for that. Here, I'll just be doing a few highlights from my big weekend.

I'm a talker. I have a degree in broadcasting. My job requires me to speak to damn near anybody and everybody, in large groups or on an individual basis. Very rarely am I struck speechless.

But damn if it didn't happen to me at Dragon*Con.

There we were in the "Walk of Shame" where all of the "celebrities" were selling off their autographs and allowing nerds to take pictures with them... for $20.

We made our way up and down each aisle looking at how haggard most of the former "stars" were now and continually vocalized our disdain for them to be charging to have their pictures taken with fans. Then Chris turned to me and said "Hey, let's go talk to Major Victory!"

So away we go, making our way past a hung-over David Faustino, a lonesome Corin Nemec, and just out of my striking range for Feedback. But Major Victory isn't there. He must have had to visit the little superheroes room or something. So I just hang out while Chris and Tiffany go and talk to Fat Momma . About the only other person I wanted to meet was Ted Dibiase, and he wasn't there yet. (Jamie Bamber was nice.)

Then, he arrives.

(He's a little shorter than you think...)

I thought that I'd just do the usual "Hey, it's nice to meet you. We're big fans. You were my favorite on the how. etc..."

What came out was more like: "..............hi..............*gurgling noises*.......heh........."

Chris had to do all the talking for me because for some damned reason I couldn't get anything intelligible out. A true fanboy moment for me if ever there was one.

And he was the nicest guy you could meet too. He shook all our hands (using both of his instead of some half-assed handshake), chatted us up for a while, and wasn't pushy or rude about autographs or anything. In fact he kept talking to us after we let him know that we couldn't purchase one. I bet that didn't happen at hardly any other tables that weekend.

So there it was: the first epic meeting between Liquid Courage and his favorite superhero Major Victory. I'm actually very surprised (and extremely glad it didn't happen) that I didn't actually bust out with an LC-style "Hey!" since I'd been doing that voice since I'd gotten to Atlanta.

I'll cherish that moment forever, but I should have paid for a picture...


He even did the "Be a winner, not a wiener" thing for us. I just smiled like a retard.


Dharma Hawk said...

You got to meet Apollo? That's pretty cool all by itself!

The Icon said...

Man, that was a cool weekend. I'll put more stuff on The Nerduary tomorrow and get some stuff out to you in the mail.

And yes, Apollo was a really nice guy. All proper and British.