Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Gone Paneling

My one real gripe about Dragon*Con was the fact that there wasn’t enough comic book representation there. Other than the dealer’s room or maybe the Walk of Shame, what I really wanted to see were comic panels. I mean, I didn’t expect anything like you’d find at San Diego or Chicago; but I was hoping for something. Granted, they had a few comic book panels, but nothing that got me riled up or even all that interested. And a lot of the other panels they had to make up for it were a little on the lame side (“How to Train Dragons”? Really?).

But we ended up checking out 2 panels that were pretty damned good. And to be honest, they would have been much better without all the nerds. Well, without all the stupid nerd questions anyways.

"Go team Venture!"

Panel #1: Venture Bothers
Co-hosted by Doc Hammer, one of the co-creators/writers/voice actors.

Doc Hammer did a live commentary for an episode and then a Q&A afterwards. And of course some dumbass asked a question that had nothing to do with what they were supposed to be asking about. Although Doc Hammer blasting him more than made up for any lame questions (“Of all the episodes that I’ve written or helped write, you fucking ask about the one that I didn’t!”). I wanted to run right out the door and pick up seasons 1 & 2 as soon as it was over. I haven’t yet, but up in my nerduary, I do have the nifty Dr. Girlfriend poster that I snagged at the panel.

James Marsters, Juliet Landau and douchebag.

Panel #2: An Hour in the Buffyverse
James Marsters, Juliet Landau, Elizabeth Rohm and… Ken Feinberg?

Ken Feinberg? Really? This is the motherfucker who told Tiffany last year that he played Clem in several episodes while he consistently hit on her. And in actuality, he played the chaos demon for one scene in one episode (“Fool for Love’) and is married. Douchebag. He single-handedly damn near ruined what could have been an awesome panel. Chris said he was just waiting for James Marsters to go all Brodie Bruce on him with a “Where do you come up with this shit?!” James, Juliet and Elizabeth still managed to make it a really good panel despite the douchebag wearing a UGA shirt on the panel with them.

And that was it for the panels really. A lackluster report for a lackluster showing, I guess. I kinda wanted to go see the Mythbusters one, but said “fuck that noise” when I heard that the line was already crazy long, the panel had been moved to a bigger room and Jamie and Adam weren’t even there. Nothing else ever really sparked much interest for us.

Maybe next time they’ll have some better panels, and I’ll have better reviews. Maybe.



Scott Garner said...

Remember, dude, that thing started out as a hardcore Dungeons & Dragons convention.

I'm just sayin'...

Dharma Hawk said...

Scott does have a good point. I'm sure it's cool to meet some actors and writers and stuff, but I'm sure a lot of the "fanbase" of Dragoncon would probably make the Nerduary crew look like the rock stars by comparison (not the the Nerduary Team aren't rock stars in their own way, but....).

D said...

Oh they did. When we were waiting in line to get in, I remember looking around at all the people dressed up thinking "I'ver never felt more emabarrassed for myself and other people and felt cooler in all my life." 5 seconds later a Mario and Wario walk around the corner and get in line behind us. Then I said "Until now."