Thursday, November 15, 2007

I'm not an asshole... am I?

When I have to be "on" all day long at work, and I'm just mentally drained at the end of it all; is it any wonder that all I really want is to either go to the gym or go running to feel as physically tired as I am mentally? By myself?

So when I get calls or texts to hang out and drink beer after work, I have a hard time accepting the invitations because I need to decompress or whatever.

Does that make me an asshole in some peoples' eyes because I'm not dropping my routine to go hang out? Or does everyone pretty much know that I'm doing what I need to in order to stay sane long enough to eventually see them on the weekend?

I'm hoping that everyone knows me well enough by now to know that any other time I'd love to have a beer or 18 and shoot the shite, but not in the early evening during the week. That's my quality me time.

That doesn't mean I don't appreciate the invitations, because I really do. I'm probably just not gonna accept them right away, or at least until I hopefully have a new job that will allow me to do what I need to during the day and then hang out at night.

So I guess cross your fingers for me to get that new job soon, then everyone wins. Or something.



D said...

Oh good. As long as that's not it.

Suine Hallock said...

I used to be the same way. I dealt w/people all day every day w/pleasant interactions being few and far between. The last thing I wanted to do at the end of a day was reinsert myself into another crowd of people. My trick was moving to another town w/o telling anyone where I was going and not making any new friends when I got here!

In all seriousness though, no, this doesn't make you an asshole. Most people I know would agree w/you.