Monday, September 26, 2005

Vacation: Day 1

Ahhhhh. Vacation. I had forgotten what this was like.

It's already off to a good start: I got up early this morning to start my 2-a-day running. And that may have been the best run I've ever taken. I didn't get winded at all. It's because it wasn't 90-something degrees and humid as Hell. It was perfect. And the first mile (which I hate more than anything) was a piece of cake. So I'm actually looking forward to tomorrow morning's run. Now this afternoon's run...not so much. That 90-something degrees and humid as Hell...yeah, that'll be then.

I am on campus right now and just finished my HR exit interview, so that's the only blemish on the vacation so far. But I'm willing to over look it because I know I get to walk by the Office and keep going to my car. Unfortunately, it'll be straight to the new job's HR so I can pick up insurance stuff and then head back over to here to drop off the COBRA and other forms that I need to. Fun!

I realized that my "to do" list will probably be finished today or tomorrow since I'll be up so early and will have a lot of time on my hands. In fact, I started on it last night because I just couldn't wait to get started on the cleaning. I know, OCD. Girls find it endearing at first, then just plain annoying.

And I am glad to report that I remained drama free this entire weekend. No new disasters were caused by me, or because of me. And my team is now sitting at .500, and hopefully ready to rattle off another 7 wins in a row. Go Eagles!

That's just a quick update of what I have right now. But I may be able to update every day here in the library if I do indeed get bored enough to walk over and check email and whatnot. We'll see.



Jessica said...

Wait to go jogging around 7ish. It's a better plan than at 5.

The Icon said...

Run for fun? Who in the Hell would want to do that?

Jessica said...

How many miles do you jog?