Friday, September 30, 2005

Vacation: Days 2-5

Sorry. I know I said I'd probably be able to update everyday since I would have some free time on my hands...but I never got around to it. But never fear, for now I can try and catch you up on everything that happened. Not like anything exciting happened though.

Got off to a great start with the 2-a-day runnings. Monday and Tuesday went fine, but the last on Tuesday was a killer. After that, I noticed that I had pushed myself too hard. My legs were too damned tight to run no matter how much I stretched. So I had to lay off for a day or so. Did get to go running this morning though. I did notice that it was still extremely hard to run, but not because of my legs, I was just winded from the beginning. I know I'm out of shape and all, but I generally don't get winded like that until about the 2nd mile or so. This started in the beginning and caused me to walk a bit after every mile. Pissed me off a good deal too. Oh, Jessica asked how far I run, and it depends (weather, health, etc..). But it's usually (and I'm guesstimating here) 3 1/2 to 4 miles each time I go. But that's if I can finish. If not, usually about 2 1/2 to 3 miles.

Clean apartment? Check. Of course I only ever think it's clean for that first day...then it's dirty again.

Washed car? Check. Then the lawn maintenance guys came by and dirtied it up again for me. Thanks guys.

Caught up on my reading? Sorta check. Got through my Erk Russell book. Have yet to start The Dark Knight Returns.

Wash the dog? I brushed him. Does that count?

Experiment with how much I can drink in one day in the middle of the week? Surprisingly, no. Ran through the beer I had on Wednesday night and never got around to getting more.

Going to see Serenity Friday night when it opens. Check? I mean, I still plan to. So does that count as a check?

Waiting and waiting and waiting for someone to come and fix the ceiling fan, door weatherstripping and pest control? Check. And still waiting. Friggin' bastards are pissing me off.

So basically you get the idea that I had an entire week off and accomplished absolutely nothing. Which was kind of the point really. But I was really starting to just lose my mind with boredom for a while. Then I would conjure up something else to do to keep me occupied for an hour or so. So all in all, I'll probably never take another week off to do nothing. Hell, I'll probably never take another week off period, unless I'm headed somewhere really cool and worth the week. Sorry I had nothing great this time.


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