Monday, October 03, 2005

Same Stuff, Different Place

First day on the job. And I'm doing one of the things I loathed about my previous job: calling students. I freakin' hate it. I seriously have ADD when it comes to making mass amounts of phone calls. I can get through several in a row before getting fed up and needing to do something else for a few minutes. I'm no telemarketer, but that is part of the job. So I have to deal with it.

Other than that, it's quite interesting (or comical). I don't really have an "office" right now. I was supposed to, and it was supposed to have been finished by now, but it "didn't benefit anyone to have it done", so I'm SOL. So for now, I'm in the old library all by myself. Which is kind of cool. No one else in here, so I can call a few times and then goof off a tad and then go back to calling...and then back to goofing off. You know how it goes. Apparently, this old library is going to be renovated soon and it will be where the new Admissions Office will be. It'll be nice I think when they're done. Guess we'll see.

Everyone I met has been super nice today (aren't they always on the first day?), and from what I hear; they really ought to stay nice. I did kind of receive an invitation to tour the "morgue" for Mortuary Science. Cool. I'll take them up on that. I think I get an official tour later on. But not today. It's the first day of classes for the quarter and things are crazy busy. And I have calls to make. Yay.

So I went to see Serenity last Friday. And to quote a friend, "if you haven't seen this movie yet, you're only doing yourself a disservice." It's that freakin' good. It's one of the few that I'd actually pay to go see again. Like, probably this weekend. I've already told several people they need to go see it and I'd go with them if they wanted. And Joss Whedon really wrote it well enough for anyone who'd never seen an episode of "Firefly" to still really enjoy the movie. I usually end up wondering what time it is or how much time is left in most movies I see nowadays, but this isn't one of those. I was tense and engrossed the entire time. I was actually kind of emotionally worn out when we were done. And the conversations that started after that! those were great too, as several of us already had vested interest in it from the show. So if you haven't seen it yet, do yourself a favorite and treat yourself to one of the best movies of the year. Then you'll probably want to run out and pick up the entire series on DVD (there's only 13 episodes, so that's not bad at all).

So that's it for now. I may update some more later on amidst the ongoing calling.



Jessica said...
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Anonymous said...

Thanks for helping Kelley, Riley, and me moving on Monday evening

Jessica said...

It worked! :)

D said...

No problem. Let me know if you need my help again.

Cool. :)