Wednesday, October 12, 2005

In brightest day, in blackest night...

So I am totally geeking out today. Really I have been for the past few days. I cannot wait for 5:00 to come so I can go and get my new comics. It's mostly due to Infinite Crisis too. I'm stoked to see what happens, and what part some of my favorite comic book characters (Green Arrow & Green Lantern) play in this and how they're changed.

The build up for this has been huge. Some have labled this as what may kill DC comics as we know it, and some have speculated this will change things for the best. The only way to find out is to read, and I am practicly drooling over this. Issue #1 alone is supposed to have 98 different characters in it.

So I made it a point to tell Ted to have a copy of it in my pull box or die. So don't expect to hear from me tonight. Between reading comics, Lost and a phone convo with Chris; I'm booked for the evening.




The Icon said...

Here is the plan.

5:15- begin reading Villains United

5:25- begin reading Infinite Crisis

5:40- brief phone call to Derek

9:00- Lost

10:00- extended phone call to Derek.

Any questions?

D said...

Put off that 1st call and save everything for 10:00. I won't be getting my stuff until around 5:15 or so anyways. So I'll read them around 6.


The Icon said...

What an ending. I need to go read the last issue of COIE again. Wow. Cannot wait for the next issue.

D said...

That brief call would just be about 5 minutes or so. Then the rest of the time would be for eating and everything else you have to do until Lost.

The Icon said...

Adorable is good, right? Right?

michelle said...

Sorry to read about your syphllis...yeah I know I probably spelled it wrong

D said...

Since when do I have syphilis?

D said...

Oh yeah. My alternate reality self. That life sucked. So far as I know, I'm syphilis-free in this one. Hooray.


The Icon said...

Yes, you are syphilis free here... but for how long?

D said...

That's actually a question I ask myself daily, my friend.