Monday, October 24, 2005

How I spent my weekend or: I think I drank a third of the county dry by myself.

Ok. So I didn't completely fulfill my goal of "not remembering 48 hours of my life". It was really more like 16 or so. But I'm told I had a damned good time. And that's all that matters, isn't it?

I'm just happy that I remember how damned good Middleground sounded Saturday night. And that I have the funny memory of waking up at 5:45am Sunday morning half in and half out of the bathroom. And the dog just sitting there looking at me like I'm a freakin' retard. Again. And a win at Homecoming is always good too, even if you really don't remember it. Oh! And I remember meeting some girls in the parking lot of my complex and them asking me if I wanted to make out. Like any red-blooded, drunker than piss American; I said "Sure." But it never happened. Drunk girls are really easy to distract. Stupid dogs.

So all in all a very good weekend. Lots of beer, good friends back in town, drunk chicks, waking up in a funny place and lots more beer. Ah, another successful Homecoming.


1 comment:

D said...

Since you said not to answer, I'll refrain from putting a witty answer in here. So me typing this was pointless.

However, it's just fun to wake up in odd places. Well, as long as it's safe and there's no one next to you who shouldn't be.