Friday, October 28, 2005

Kind of like I just took my first sip of a cold beer on a warm, sunny beach.

I feel good.

Man, it's been a while since I've actually said that. Well, sober anyways. But I really do feel good. Not just physically, but emotionally and spiritually too. You know what I mean?

I feel kind of revitalized. Just really happy and pretty comfortable with myself. I'm in a good spot in life right now. Good, new job. Lots of good friends. Money is coming in (just got my check). The dog and I are healthy. I met a girl.

Wait a sec. Yep. That's what I thought. It's that last one that I think put me over the top and made me really start to feel good. I knew I did before, but I think it was me feeling so good that helped out. Made me a lot more confident. I still have the whole "unhealthy body image thing", but I feel a lot more confident in myself now.

I guess that when I feel really good, I put off better vibes and that helps with the ladies. Not to toot my own horn here, but I think I may have more girls interested in me right now at once than I ever have before. And I think it's due to the whole "feeling good" thing. So I highly reccomend it to anyone. You feel good, then the girls/boys come a runnin'.

So I'm gonna keep trying to feel as good as possible and see how everything with said girl works out. And I'll try to refrain from talking about her, just in case things blow up in my face. 'Cause I think I can honestly say that she is easily one of the hottest girls I have ever met before. I mean it. I live in Statesboro for Christ's sake. But that's the problem, she doesn't. She lives like 5 hours away. I didn't wanna do the long distance thing again, but I'm gonna give it another shot for her. If it actually gets that far. So, let me back up and not put the cart before the horse. I'm just going to take it slow and not try to blow it if she is interested in me.

So, I'm gonna go home in a few and then go for a run on this beautiful day. Maybe that'll help me feel even better and help me out even more. You guys feel better too.



1 comment:

D said...

Yeah, it is. And I'll let it slide. Thanks.