Thursday, October 13, 2005

Witness me lose "Man Points"

I'm probably gonna lose some "Man Points" for writing this short little piece, but I saw the above picture and the thought kept aggravating me until I decided to post it.

I like PDA's. Public Displays of Affection, not the Personal Digital Assistant (although I do like them. They help you organize.) Like I was saying, I like 'em. But I don't like the over the top, grossing everyone out, get a room type PDAs. I like the ones that you may only notice in glancing or cause you to say "I wish we did that". You know? Holding hands, a quick kiss, a quick goose, holding pinky fingers, winking, etc.. Those are all good.

In fact, those are one really big thing that I miss about being in a relationship. The little ways to let someone know you love them or are at least thinking about them.

So, now all you ladies (and guys too, I guess) know that there are some of us guys (now that I'm a lesser one for admitting it) out there who actually do enjoy some good PDA. Even if we don't admit it or groan about it when you do it. :)

And just to gross Kelley out: one of my favorite forms of affection, which is not a public one, is to touch my foot to one of hers in bed before going to sleep or in the middle of the night if I wake up. Shudder away Kelley.



The Icon said...

One of my favorite displays of affection is... you know what? I'm going to act mature for once in my life and not publish what I was going to put here. However, it was funny, perverted and involved several different bodily fluids.

Heh. It was going to be good.

michelle said...

I like PDA's but when you get to gushing and non stop professing it gets quite sickening...Somethings are best left to a personal side and behind your own doors