Wednesday, July 25, 2007

How D got his groove back

Or back in the groove, really.

Sorry for the severe lack of posting. Again. Well, again again. I've just been into a routine like you wouldn't imagine. And you don't really have to imagine it, 'cause I can describe it to you:

-rinse and repeat

The weekends have been great, but pretty uneventful, for which I'm actually pretty grateful. That allows me to focus on the things that I need to and want to. But throwing the occasional wedding celebration in there with free booze and a bartender who "twists your arm" to do shots with him, doesn't hurt much either.

But, like I said: I'm back in my routine, and I'm really enjoying it. After being slack-assed for a couple of weeks, I needed something to kinda jar me back into things. How about an interview for your dream job, will that do? Why yes, that'll do marvelously thank you.

So now I'm focused on my next immediate goal that goes down in 3 weeks, and prepping for it. Now if I go a few days without posting (again again again, or something), you'll know why. Either nothing interesting is happening anywhere within my vicinity (or where I can Google it), or I just haven't gotten around to it. But eventually I will. Hopefully.

Hugs and kisses,



Suine Hallock said...

Major congrats on the interview. I've been a net hermit myself lately, really bad w/responding to e-mails, blogs, boards, and such. No real reason, I guess, other than a lot of reading and gaming.

Anonymous said...


adubya said...

That's kind of harsh...

I wouldn't say loser. Dork maybe, but not loser.