Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Rapid Fire

While also the name of a kick-ass Brandon Lee movie, it's how I plan to update the Interweb on my various goings ons and rants and what have yous.

- A new Flash Gordon show? Well, Sci-Fi has a rather impressive collection of shows now, so yeah, I'll give it a shot.

- Staying with Sci-Fi: Kick ass! Battlestar Galactica returns in November, and looks just as good as the previous 3 seasons.

- Harry Potter good. Voldemort bad. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix was great. I have only read the first book, so I've thoroughly enjoyed the movies without literary bias. This one easily became my favorite so far.

- A new werewolf movie? Skinwalkers is probably gonna suck lycan balls, what with it being PG-13 and studio crap and all, but I'll probably want to see it anyways. I'm really waiting on the high concept idea of Full Moon Fever.

- I hate moving. I hate moving other people even more. But that's what friends do. But good friends who enlist the aid of other friends to move all their shit for them know to supply said friends with free alcohol and food. Liz was polite enough to have a keg of Miller Lite and several pounds of spicy chicken nuggets waiting for me on Friday. And Saturday. That is why Liz will remain as "good people" and I'll help her move again. Probably.

- Sometimes it just feels good to throw a bunch of shit away, you know? Spent the better part of a day this weekend going through some of the stored crap I have, and decided that I had to hand out a few pink slips. It's both therapeutic and traumatic for me at the same time as two sides of me are at war when I do that: the pack rat and the OCD freak who hates clutter.

- I must borrow Liz's shop vac. It cleans so damned well!

- Bought some new toys for the Future Overlord. Saw that he really didn't have anything but his balls to play with (hee hee), and by that I mean the tennis, volley, soccer and foot variety. So now he has a squeaky cat, squeaky alien, and a fire hose toy... with a squeaky in it. Man, I'm an idiot.

- A talking, fighting, armored-up polar bear? Fuck. Wait for it.... YEAH! I want one.

- Quicken was like crack for me over the weekend as soon as I got it. Couldn't stop playing with it. I may have actually gone a little blind because of it. Although the hairy palm was totally just dog fur.

- The Marvel U rejects return. Bigger and dumber than the first time too. There's no Major Victory, but Mr. Mitzvah is my front runner for a favorite, not Hygena like you'd all expect. I could say I'm not gonna watch, but I'd be lying and you'd all call me on it.

- God of Making My Thumbs Hurt is more like it. God Of War 2 kicks so much harpy ass, I can hardly believe it. And yet there I have been, just ripping their wings off and eviscerating damned near everything on the screen. If you played and liked the first one, the
second will not disappoint. The cinematic cut scenes are almost worth the price alone (plus a voice cameo by Michael Clarke Duncan), especially when you borrowed it and didn't pay for it.

Wow. That's more happy horseshit than I thought there'd be. So I'll nip it in the extended bud for now and try to resume some sort of regular posting when I can.



thebadeditor said...

"Quicken was like crack for me?" Damn, dude, you are getting seriously old. Hope everything's going good for you.

D said...

I came to grips with that a while back, but thanks.