It's certainly no Guinness, but it's damned good. And being a non-import, it's cheaper on the ol' wallet. Which makes my bank account cry a little less. And my liver cry a little more.
I raise my bottle to all my interweb friends.
What if you had no control over your life? What if it wasn't about destiny, fate, or even divine intervention? What if every whimsical, tragic and random event to happen to you was just... someone else's entertainment? Well, that’d be my life. Welcome, to “Screw Big, Dumb American!”
so are you going to drive to South Carolina every other day to get a 12 pack
Lucky man, lucky man.
Naw. I'll probably just load up every other weekend.
I take it it's difficult to find? Where is it brewed? I haven't seen it around here.
It's not sold in Georgia (just yet). But it is sold in most other regional states I believe. Should be national though as it's brewed in PA.
Yuengling (prono: ying-ling) is the beer of choice is Southeastern PA, especially Philadelphia. It's also very common in New Jersey but I have yet to see the Black and Tan.
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