Monday, July 30, 2007

It’s in the jeans

It’s amazing how much morale is improved by the simple addition of denim into the work equation. Therefore, I think all employers should make Jeans Day a weekly thing.

I know that it would probably lose its novelty quickly, but it would still be more effective than the standard “Casual Friday” or shit like that. I mean, I can only get away with spicing up the office environment with a Hawaiian shirt so many times before it just gets old… or I get in trouble.

I know that I always feel better about my job when I get to come in and be more comfortable doing whatever it is I’m up to that day. And that comfort is a big X-factor: as the comfort level rises, the effectiveness margin increases, while the grouchiness quotient is minimalized; thus making me more productive and less likely to snap postal-style.

And that’s just one person. Multiply that by a couple of hundred people, and it’s starting to look like an actual, good idea. Well, at least to me anyways.

So, it’s either that, or we get to start drinking at work. And I’m pretty much good with either one.


1 comment:

adubya said...

At my current client they have "Denim Days" where you can donate $4 to United Way for the right to wear jeans for a day. I decline...