Wednesday, January 10, 2007

See Big, Dumb American run. Run, Big, Dumb American, run!

The odometer to the right is to help me keep track of how I’m doing when I go running, and also to help me keep it going. My initial reason was that if I was dumb enough to keep putting it up there, I’d have to keep up with it so that I didn’t look like an artard or a lazy ass bum. Basically, I’m trying to shame myself into more running.

I think I actually ganked this idea from somebody back in the day. The Princess Hiker, maybe? I’m just ready to do it now though.

It won’t get updated every day, as I won’t be running every day. Hopefully it’ll be about every other day, or at least Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Tuesdays and Thursdays are for using that frickin elliptical that’s in my apartment. And of course there’s already a monkey wrench in the plan, as I have to work late tonight and won’t be able to run. So I guess I’ll have to make it up sometime else.

And technically; yes, I think that it’s supposed to be “pedometer”, but I liked “odometer” better. So that’s that.


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