Monday, November 21, 2005

'Tis the season to be jorry. Farr rah rah rah rah, rah rah rah rah.

If you don't get that reference, then something is very wrong with you and you have no sense of Christmas Spirit. Or, you've just never seen one of the all-time classic Christmas movies. Another being this one. The shitter's full!

So it's that time of year again. The time when I start getting aggravated at everything. TV, radio, malls, stores, elevators, people, the internet, everything. You name it, I hate it. It seems that every year, the world starts shoving Christmas down my throat earlier and earlier. It's not even Thanksgiving yet for Christ's sake, and already all I see around me is Christmas stuff! I suppose next year I'll be hearing about Santa when my birthday rolls around. *cough* September 3rd *cough*

You see, I don't really have the greatest sense of Christmas Spirit. So, I kind of do and don't hate Christmas at the same time. And I think I know why. Pretty much every year about this time I've been very unhappy. Relationships, family problems, work, money, and other stuff helped cause this. So I've always had something to be unhappy about when everyone else was all jolly (or jorry). So I was just envious of everyone who was happier than me, instead of just trying to be happy myself.

But not this year. This year I'm actually feeling some of that good, old Christmas cheer. Some of, not a ton mind you. I'm working my way up. REALLY happy people still freak me out.

But this year I have a lot to be happy about: Family and friends, the dog, new job, decent money (although X-Mas will negate that shortly), good health, The Girl Waaaay Out of My League , etc... So this year, I'm actually looking forward to Christmas and am making a conscious effort to turn from my Grinch-ish ways and have a good holiday. And the fact that The Girl is a Christmas junkie helps a little bit too.

So even though it's not even December yet, I'm looking forward to Christmas. And not the part where I get presents. Wow, imagine that. I'm actually more looking forward to the giving of presents. And trying to decide what I'm gonna get everyone is actually kind of fun for once. I already have a triple-option for The Girl that I'm waiting to put into motion.

I just wish that I could afford presents for everyone. So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't feel bad if you don't receive one from me. I'll make it up some how. Probably with booze.

So if you see me walking around with a smile on my face during December, don't worry. I haven't lost my mind or anything. I'm just feeling some of the Christmas spirit. Or I've been in the Christmas spirits. But if you see me in a Santa suit, run. At that point I may have completely lost my shit and probably have a few severed heads in the sack.

So, Merry Christmas (even though it isn't even Thanksgiving yet)!



Erin said...

You'll shoot your eye out! Have no fear, I won't let you anywhere near a Red Rider Bebe Gun!

D said...

Yeah, I plan to not venture out into the insanity for a while. Aw who am I kidding? After last year when I found all kinds of great crap at Target the day after, I'll probably go on Friday or Saturday. TV shows on DVD.

I swear I think the word verification tried to get me to spell "onomatopoeia".