Tuesday, November 01, 2005

I just saved somebody's life!

Well not really, but maybe. I just wanted to be able to say that once in my life.

I just gave blood. They're having a blood drive here at school and I signed up yesterday. Never have gotten to donate before, usually because of me getting a tattoo within 12 months of trying to donate.

Not this time. I was bound and determined to try and do it.

But the whole time I was thinking "what if they call me back later and are like 'there's something seriously wrong with your blood!'?" Or I find out that I have some blood disease or something?

But I'm pretty sure I'm cool. I guess they'll mail me something saying I shouldn't ever give blood again and go see a doctor if there is something wrong.

So if you can, give blood. 'Cause hey, everyone should get to feel like a superhero and save someone's life. Even if it's only for like an hour.

Plus, I got this funny sticker that says "It's my first time, be nice to me." I should make that into a t-shirt or something. That, and "I like to cuddle". I hear that works too.



The Icon said...

I don't believe in donating blood. I work too hard and pay my share of taxes, and don't want some lazy, wellfare bum to get by for free. This is America. Get out there and work.

D said...

Yeah, I wish they had blood centers where they paid you for blood. But with my luck it'd be run by vampires or something. Greedy bastards. Always wanting to stay alive and live forever.

michelle said...

giving blood is great, you get rid of all your tired stuff and then your body makes new stuff....I am over 50 donations now