Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Oh yeah, I almost forgot...

(click image to enlarge)

What with all the Noah/Spanish tomfoolery, I almost completely forgot this:

Neener neener neener!!

So a hearty "congrats" to our winner, Eddie; a "thanks for participating" to everyone else; and a very Nelson-esque "ha ha!" to my esteemed co-host of the "First Annual Blogger Bracket Pool". I look forward to next year...kind of.

That is all.



D said...

That's right. I've already said no. But I could change my mind by the time the season rolls around. Depends on how into it I get.

However, it would be nice to stay undefeated against you and keep my strong record against girls. True, I did lose to Abra; but I did beat you and the rest of the girls: Jenn, Jessica and Adubya.

D said...

Yeah. I admit it. I sucked arse on this one, BUT this was also a slight competition between the co-hosts. So forgive me while I do my "dance of joy". As undeserved as it is...

Paul said...

Jennifer picked Albany to win it all. Exclude her from the contest next year.

D said...

And just barely under someone who picked Duke.