Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Skanks, wangs, VD & Courvoisier...

All the things that make up a good episode of...

There's a list out of the worst-ever SNL cast members. And they correctly identify Jimmy Fallon as the worst of the worst. However, they narrowly missed pissing me off by making Tim Meadows an "Honorable Mention" (shouldn't it be more of a dis-honorable mention?):

Tim Meadows: He had the longest tenure of any cast member in the history of SNL (ten years) and all he has to show for it is the "Ladies Man". Memorable Character: Lionel Osborne Host of "Perspectives"

So he wasn't a break out star like Chris Farley (and his ever-orbiting pal, David Spade), comedic gold like Eddie Murphy, or an SNL Hall of Famer like Steve Martin. But he was no friggin' Joe Piscopo. Seriously, name one character that he played. And "that guy that's kinda like Joe Piscopo" doesn't count.

The only reason I would watch SNL most Saturday nights was just to catch a new episode of The Ladies Man. And then I'd change the channel.

Let's face it, SNL's had a lot of bad "performers" over the years; but I don't think you should really lump Tim Meadows in with this group of schlubs. I nominate Rob Schneider and his annoying ass "Copy Guy" to take Leon Phelps' place.


Probably the best ever Ladies Man sketch had The Rock dressed as an undercover cop who made Leon fall in love with him.


The Icon said...

Tim Meadows was always like comfort food. Not the best, but he made you feel good.

I've always liked him. Sucks others don't really appreciate him as much.

Erin said...

Chris Kattan was pretty bad. Did he make the list?