Tuesday, November 21, 2006

As close to “Pimp My Ride” as I’ll probably ever get

Went to see the claims adjuster this morning to see what all the damage was gonna total up to. Not that I really cared all that much because The Gecko is gonna pay for it, and I will incur no expense. At least, I better not.

After parts and labor, they’re looking at dropping about $2,300 bucks to replace the bumper, some safety features and the tailgate/hatch door/whatever the hell that thing is. The guy even factored in a $6 “VUE” logo on the back since he said those things crack easily when trying to remove them.

They’re even providing me with a rental car for the 5 days or so that I’ll be sans Grimlock. I just have to call them tomorrow to make sure that there will be something available for me when I drop it off on Monday. I hope it’s something cool and sporty. But I’ll probably end up with a stupid Ford Taurus, or better yet, a frickin’ Focus.

The claims adjuster was really nice and even asked me if he thought they were speedy enough during the whole process or if anything could have been done differently. Not having any prior accident experience, I told him that I didn’t have anything to compare it to; but everything went smoothly enough for me. The fact that it was drivable and made it to and from Tuscaloosa was enough to pacify me really.

While it sucks that I’m not gonna get to make any money off this, it’s a relief to know that I’m really not having to do a whole hell of a lot in order to get this all done. Or spend any money. Sweet.


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