Monday, June 25, 2007

Finally! Middleground has come back to... Statesboro.

Who better to to introduce a post about a grand old rock show than The Rock himself? Well, I'm sure there were far more suitable candidates that stride the halls of the Music Hall of Fame or even the aisles of your local Sam Goody. But I came up with The Rock. Deal with it.

As much as I'd like to relay the wonders of a Middleground & Elohsa show to those of you who've never seen 'em before... it's really not gonna happen. Mostly because I always get way too drunk at every one of 'em, and that tends to wreck the ol' recall. I usually just have to go with "Man, I don't remember a whole hell of a lot from the show. But I bet it was awesome."

So just take my word for it: bad-assedness was a plenty. And the kick-assery quotient of the 2, count 'em 2, sets Middleground played knew no bounds. For those of you who need visual proof and can't just take my word for it (what? my word not good enough for you? dick.), see the following taint-rocking pictures courtesy of the fine Administration at the IHT:

See? What'd I tell you? Fanfuckingtastic. See that girl there in the black? She's having an eargasm because the show was so damned good.

Wow. That just about did it. I got nothing to follow up after the whole "eargasm" bit. So um, if I've taught anybody anything, I hope that it's: Middleground=awesome. And eargasm=post ender.


I just couldn't find a way to work in the Honky Tonk Man like I did The Rock...

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