Friday, June 01, 2007

'Tis better to give AND receive or: Why Captain America hates Nazis

I gave blood. Did you?

-double red blood cells to the American Red Cross

-a free t-shirt
-2 hours off work
-free cookies and juice
-free hotdogs and hamburgers for lunch
-a sense of accomplishment that you were able to sit there for an hour or more with a friggin’ needle in your arm, knowing that it’s worth it if it helps save someone’s life.


When you’re sitting there pumping your fist every 5 seconds or so, your mind has a tendency to wander. Blame it on the sudden loss of blood; but when they pumped the cold plasma back into my arm, I started wondering if that’s how Steve Rogers felt when he received the Super Soldier Serum. Then I felt a little sad for him when I realized that while he did gain super human strength, stamina, agility, etc; poor Steve never got any juice and cookies. No wonder Cap hates Nazis so much: that spy kept him from getting his orange-pineapple juice and sugar free lemon cookies.

Damned Nazis spies.


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