Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Out of left field

I once told someone that half the Internet was for fabricating and squashing rumors and the other half is porn. Well apparently there’s the tiniest smidgen of space that’s reserved for stumbling upon old, school chums. And I don’t mean MySpace.

How odd is it that someone I went to 6th grade with finds me again after about 15 years through SBDA of all ways? Pretty damned if you’re in my shoes. But then again, when you think about it, it’s actually rather apropos. I mean, that’s what the show is all about now isn’t it? Shaking things up for the BDA and watching how he reacts? Look at how the ratings soared when they brought The Icon back for that season in the office (the season of “The Disgruntled Duo”), or any of the Tales of Dickery that have been visited upon me.

So anyways, now we’re playing catch up; and I’m getting the biggest kick out of hearing him tell me about his Uncanny X-Men and Ninja Gaiden-induced flashbacks that led to him Googling me (after all these years and countless jokes, that still sounds dirty). And weirder than his flashbacks, are my own recent honest-to-God flashbacks and wonderings of what he was up to. Nearly every time I thought of The Joker, I thought of Luke. Hey, I did say it was weird.

Who knew that there could actually be some productive aspects of the Interweb that doesn’t require the giving of your credit card number or submitting A/S/L? Not me. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to get back to fabricating rumors about people, squashing the ones about me, and looking for more porn.


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