Monday, June 12, 2006

Fire trucks are cool...

Went to visit the fire house that my buddy works at yesterday. I got to hang around, meet the guys on his shift that day, check out the trucks, try on his gear, and even clean out the garage bays. Yeah, I got suckered into helping him work on my visit. And as stupid as it sounds, I kinda liked the simplicity of just hosing the whole thing down and squeegeeing it dry. I guess it was an obsessive compulsive, zen-type thing.

That suit though. Holy shit. It’s pretty damned cumbersome and your field of vision is severely compromised when you put the mask on. But the heat. Holy fuck, just putting that get-up on and standing around in the high 90’s heat made me start sweating like a whore in church. I can’t imagine running around in it doing all kinds of physical activity. But you know, even after all the weirdness of the gear and pack and everything, I really didn’t mind it. It only took me a few minutes to get used to the suit, its weight and everything; it was just the field of vision that would take me a bit longer to get used to.

After sitting around and shooting the shit for a while, and talking about anything and everything about the job we could think of; I had pretty much made up my mind that whenever they start posting for openings again, I’m going to apply. I’ll just take it from there after I get through that first part. I don’t want to get my hopes up or anything.

I just think that making this career, and more importantly, this lifestyle change; is just what I need in my life right now. After talking it over a couple of times, even the negatives that I had before don’t really matter much when compared to all the positives that are there. But like I said before, one step at a time.

Alls I know for now is, I better get off my fat, lazy ass and get back into shape. Real good shape.



D said...

Well, um, beer for starters. But I think that's pretty much out of the question.

The Icon said...

I'm with Alison. I think God made this job for you.

D said...

Let's just hope God helps me get it. Otherwise, God is in on the show...

D said...

For the love of GOD! Do not tempt the ire of the show!!

The Icon said...

Oh they onto us now... We have to make something really shitty happen to him soon or he start reary riking rife. Ooh, here a good idea...

D said...

Well, it was nice while it lasted...

I hate you guys.