Friday, October 13, 2006


Friday the 13th. Whoopity-doo.

I really don’t give much of a rat’s ass about it anymore (I thought it was cool when I was little), with the exception of hoping that someone is running a marathon of the movies, and I get to catch my favorite: Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood. Man, that telepathic/telekinetic chick really hands Jason his ass in the end.

And if my TV timing is really on, I might catch the best scene in Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan. The scene where Jason punches the guy’s head off after he tries to outbox Jason. Dumbass.

But that's about it really. I think it's pretty much just extra paranoia in peoples' heads, much like Y2K or Jesus' return.

But what do I know?



eddie said...

Obviously, you haven't read this:

I'm still waiting for Norman Bates to come knocking on my door.

"She just goes a little mad sometimes. We all go a little mad sometimes. Haven't you?"

That was one strange phone conversation.

By the way, how are the feet?

D said...

Actually, I did after posting this. That was pretty weird.

And they're pretty "meh". Don't think it's gout. I do think it's pretty much tendonitis or metatarcil bursitis (sp).