Monday, February 12, 2007

Can I get a spot over here?

After much consideration and several talks with Merritt about the CPAT (Candidate Physical Ability Test), I've decided to join a gym.

I've really gotta start prepping for some of the things I'll be required to do if I pass the written portion and get selected for the CPAT. A lot of that stuff will require some serious strength training and I also need to get on a first name basis with a StairMaster ("Hi, I'm D. You must be Death. Nice to meet you.").

The good news is that I don't think I need to do anything all that different from what I usually do at the gym, aside from the stairs. All the prep and training guides are showing pretty much exercise for exercise exactly what my previous routine was. All I gotta do is just start back on it.

So today, I'll go running and see how much my week off from being sick has screwed me; and tomorrow, I'll swing by 180 Fitness and see about a tour and possible trial membership before jumping in all the way. I think I can get a discounted rate as a government employee too. Although I know that no matter how much I do pay, I'll still probably use the hell out of the gym just because I am paying for it and I refuse to waste money that way.


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