Wednesday, February 28, 2007

“Who would eat 30 sack lunches?” “I’ll tell you who. It was that damn Sasquatch.”

A little-known and infrequent perk that comes with my job: left-over school sack lunches.

Sure it’s a barely passable, assembly line-made lunch to an 8th grader; but to me it’s a kick-ass afternoon snack. Some are good (ham & cheese w/ name brand chips) and some are freakin’ horrible (peanut butter on white bread and crappy, stale chips). Today’s offering was of the highest caliber:

PB & Grape Jelly “Uncrustable

Classic Lays potato chips

Big ol’ homemade Rice Crispy treat

Baby carrot sticks

A gala apple

Best. Afternoon snack. Ever.



adubya said...

I prefer a giant chocolate chip cookie. :)

D said...

At least I can claim that this was "well rounded".