Friday, February 02, 2007

The "D" stands for "D'oh!"

Now I’m usually the first one to say that I’m a jackass; and quite often for many, many different reasons. This time it’s because I did something stupid at work. Go figure.

Savannah is taking applications for firefighter trainees again, and one of the required items to be submitted is a college transcript if applicable. It is for me, so I faxed in a request to the University for an official copy of my transcripts yesterday.

The trouble is that the first fax machine I used sucks and didn’t look like it went through. I waited around for a few minutes to see if a confirmation/error page would come back. Nothing did, so I figured that it didn’t work and there wouldn’t even be a confirmation/error page. So I went and used another machine that cranked one out quickly.

In all my rush to start gathering information, I forgot to go check one last time on that first machine. Lo and behold this morning when I walk in, sitting on my desk is the error report from the first machine.

Now this really wouldn’t be that big a deal if it weren’t for the portion of the request that I voluntarily filled out: “Reason for Transcript”. I went and checked “other” with “Job Application” written in the blank provided.

Sigh. I’m a jackass.

Hopefully, whoever put that on my desk didn’t look past the name and didn’t see my jackassedness openly acknowledging my covert job search. It probably doesn’t really matter all that much though, as I’m pretty damned sure that my boss knows what I’m up to, he’s just not saying anything. It’s one of those “You don’t know that I know that you know I know, you know?” situations I guess.

I’m sure if there’s any gossip or rumors flying around that they’ll inevitably get back to me at some point soon. And while I would normally use a tried and true favorite quote of “What’re they gonna do? Fire me?”, with all the changes being made around here, they just might. So this time I’ll do what I rarely do: tone down the brash cockiness, play it cool, and shut the fuck up.


And yes, I do present an air of “brash cockiness” at work. Just ask Zeke. Well ok, maybe “brash cockiness” is a wee bit of an exaggeration. It may be more like a continuous aura of “what-the-fuck-ever”, “piss off”, “hangovers sucks ass”, and “Good God I hate you.” But it can be easily confused as “brash cockiness”.

1 comment:

adubya said...

Get fired yet?

I sure do wish the princess was still posting. Duke losing 3 in a row and no one to rag on.