Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Green Teas from Asbury Park

I’ve become pretty much addicted to Bigelow’s Green Tea (with lemon) as of late.

I started drinking it when I was sick a few weeks back in the hopes that maybe it would help me feel a little better. It did somewhat, but I’ve kept with it mostly because it relaxes me some while I’m at work and helps me unwind at home after a really crap day.

It’s by no means better than Sleepytime tea, but it and all its little antioxidants do the trick just fine when I need it to.

Hmmm... First BBC America, then drinking more Guinness than usual, add a new-found fascination with British slang, and now all this tea nonsense. I guess all I need is a tea pot and some biscuits/scones to help round out what appears to be my transformation into an Englishman. I suppose next time I go shopping I could pick some up along with some Earl Grey (hot).



Spot the wrestling reference? It’s pretty clever if I do say so myself. Want a little help? It’s in here.


D said...

No one? No one got it? Come on! Chris?! You gotta get this one...

D said...

Well, I guess it wasn't a real straight forward reference...

Bigelow's Green Teas from Asbury Park = Bam Bam Bigelow's "Greetings from Asbury Park".

Meh. Seemed like a good one to me anyways.