Thursday, February 08, 2007

The Sickening

Sorry about the lack of posts. I’ve been quasi-deathly ill.

Meant to play hooky on Monday after the Super Bowl, but woke up to find that the show had decided to actually go ahead and make me sick as a punishment for my insubordination.

No problemo I thought. Just a little cough and a stuffy nose, nothing major. 8 hours later and I’m freezing my balls off despite having every blanket and comforter that I can find on me. Must be a fever. Not good.

Tuesday morning comes and I can barely stand up, and when I do I’m weaving all over the place like, well, like me after way too many big beers. Add to that that my entire body is fatigued, sore as hell, still freezing, and I constantly wanna hurl; and I think it’s the flu.

So back to bed I go. Until about 6:45 that night. I spent roughly 20 hours in bed from Monday night to Tuesday night and that just about did the trick. Was back at work yesterday, although feeling pretty shitty and only because I really had to be; and today I feel about a hundred time better.

Still have a little congestion though, but hopefully it’s nothing I can’t kick out pretty quickly.

So there ya go. I was sick and I never actually played hooky. Don’t know if that evens me out karma-wise or not…


1 comment:

gsufan said...

kelley is going to tell you that you should have had some of her chili..........glad to hear that you are feeling better