Monday, February 19, 2007

This is spinal tap

Not so much this one...

A little more this one:

Interesting ways to spend a Sunday night does not include sitting in the emergency room for 6 & 1/2 hours (until 12:15am) with someone who's sick and ends up having to get a spinal tap to see if it's meningitis. Thank God it wasn't, because that would have really sucked if she had it and I was with her for that long a period of time while she was sick.

And seriously, if that didn't help me get mucho mucho brownie points, I don't know what the hell will.


Oh, and it's no one you guys know. And no I won't tell you.


adubya said...

I suppose she probably didn't feel well enough to repay you for your generousity afterwards too.

D said...

Yeah, not so much.

D said...

And as Kelley pointed out to me last night... I wasted some more brownie poits needlessly. Again.