Thursday, May 03, 2007

Can I get a little water or something?

Bit of a dry spell, blog-wise.

Was gonna write something about how I love Graduation because it creates a mass exodus that eliminates trafic and frees up precious bar space. But I think I've already written that. Twice.

Was gonna try and come up with a "You Know what I Hate?" list, but kept forgetting all the many, many things I hate. Loathe really. So maybe I'll just randomly post when I become infuriated by them. (Here's a little sample: You know what I hate? Douchebags that wear flip flops to the gym.)

And there were other things that I've started and stopped numerous times. And sadly, I think I may know part of the reason...


I save the majority of my Interwebbing for at night, so I don't play around at work as much. And by the time I get home, I've pretty much forgotten all the shit I wanted to blabber on about. I really have to find a new system. I feel like I'm depriving all 4.33 of you loyal readers.

Meh. Guess I could always offer up that long-awaited Tales of Dickery that Adubya's been craving. I mean, this is Logan's special weekend.



Paul said...

some tricks I use in trying to remember the things I want to post:
1) the coming up, I created at the top of my page, it serves as a reminder for me
2) a yellow legal pad, I write down ideas, then develop them later
3) voice mail, call yourself and leave yourself a message reminding you what you want to write about

D said...

I'm a big fan of the yellow Post It Note. I waer those badboys out.

Now if I could just get Office or Windows installed, I could start using my jump drive a lot more and that would help.