Thursday, May 17, 2007

These Scrubs chafe

I've always liked Scrubs. Hell, I even own season 1 on dvd and plan to get the next couple of seasons too. But I just haven't enjoyed the last few weeks. And tonight's season finale kinda helped prove my own disillusionment with J.D.

When did he become such a huge fucking douchebag?

I've always seen a little bit of myself in J.D. (here's a smidge), so I was really disheartened the past couple of episodes when I saw him just being such an asshole to Kim, the mother of his child. Then throw on a little more shit and have him possibly screw up two relationships royally at the same time with Elliot. Nice.

I dunno, maybe they're just running out of ideas and really trying to over-develop characters (while at the same time adding too much slapstick), and it's just not going how I'd like it to.

Whatever, it's just a show. It has no real connection to me other than the occasional moment or quote. It's not modeled after SBDA or a glimpse into the future or anything.

Now Knocked Up may be another story...



adubya said...

I quit watching Scrubs earlier this year for the same reasons. You can tell when a sit-com has hit the wall and is on it's way out. I'm sure next year will be their last season.

D said...

I think it's supposed to be. I think Zach Braff flat out said he wasn't returning. Maybe the writing is the reason. Or the writers have given up because of that.